Ranma and Akane-Let's Keep it Platonic by Jaqueline Zema with some help from her brother This particular idea was advanced to me by my sister and will be an alternate reality fic with the diversion from the original time stream-taking place in the first episode. In this idea, before Akane makes the fated remark after her duel with Ranma she apparently thinks twice and decides not too, I also suggested leaving out the rather unmitigating bathroom scene and so she begins her little teaser at the table that night while revealing Ranma's little problem-*note* I'm cleaning this up a bit from her email but this is basically what she sent ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< "Wait a minute, you mean to tell me that you're a...guy?" Akane asked incredulously, then before anyone could say anything following Ranma's hesitant nod, she threw herself at him in a vise-like hug. "That's terrific, I've never had any guys I could call a friend!" "Why not?" asked Ranma looking down at her with a slightly stunned reaction to her overwhelmingly affectionate response. Suddenly realizing her position Akane backed up slowly, her eyes darting from side to side, "oh, um no reason really its just..." "That all the guys at school have become rather obsessed with her and want to date her, a problem which she solves by beating them up daily," interrupted Nabiki, "though in her defense that last part isn't entirely her fault." "Nabiki!!" screamed Akane, "I thought I told you never to tell anyone about that, I thought we had a deal!" throwing a bun off her plate at her sister. "We did," stated Nabiki calmly, "however you were late on your last two payments for me to keep this information to myself, is it my fault that if you forget your part of the bargain I sometimes slip on my side?" She smiled slightly and added, "besides I've just found a much more profitable market, which would probably end our little deal anyway." "Oh really, and just what market would that be?" asked Akane with a suspicious glare. "Well, sister dear, many of the guys attending our school seem to have found a new source of income and can now pay the extrorbitant prices I demand for pictures of you," Nabiki announced. "I can't believe you'd stoop that low, Nabiki!" Akane protested. "Hey, can't blame a girl for trying to make a little cash." Seeing the discussion rapidly coming to a close, Ranma chose this time to interrupt, "so why is it that you're so happy I'm a guy? It seems to me that something like that would make you a little prejudiced against them." "Well you met me as a girl first and we were friends right?" "Sure," said Ranma rather confused by the direction this was going. "Well since you met me first as a girl I finally have a boy I can talk to without worrying about him being a pervert! After all, since you're half guy, half girl you can't be interested in me because it'd make you a lesbian, but you can still tell me which guys aren't perverts. And not only that but I don't have to marry you either!" finished Akane as she puffed a bit getting her breath back. Blinking slightly, Ranma just sat staring for a second, then shrugged and said, "ok." Soun and Genma on the other hand immediately began nodding wisely, with Soun intoning, "Yes, Yes, it all makes sense- ok, Ranma here are Nabiki and Kasumi, pick one and she'll be your new fiancee." Conveniently ignoring the fact that the same reasoning Akane just used on herself would apply to them. Nabiki and Kasumi blinked and then looked at each other as they realized they had lost the preemptive strike they had planned earlier upon figuring out Ranma's curse. Thus goes my sisters idea, she claimed it needed a bit of straightening so I did it for her, sorry about that sister dear. *grin* Anyway her general idea works out to Akane being happy to have a guy friend who isn't obsessed with her and thus she has no romantic interests in Ranma. When Ukyou and Shampoo show up, she would probably encourage him to go after one of them, or if one of her sisters actually like the engagement they are in, try and protect the Tendo claim. Which sister ends up being engaged to Ranma would have to be my sister's choice. One last note before I go, that little scene at the end with the fathers and sisters was my own invention-stopping the teaser before there just didn't seem to work.