Economic Information

Import/Export Tables

Exports Imports
  • Armor
  • Weapons
  • Cut Gems
  • Textile Goods: Wool/Goat Hair
  • Food: Grain/Olives/Dairy
  • Wine
  • Medical Supplies
  • Food: Red Meat/Luxury Items
  • Luxury Goods

Import/Export Description and Status

Regarding the actual goods that Shadow's Edge currently produces... that is a somewhat difficult matter for most to speak about. The village at one point, much as the rest of Sembia, exported quite a bit, though some of that was internal. Their primary export was actually armor and weapons, as the village had a number of good smiths employed to equip the force guarding the passes. They also produced some textile goods, food (primarily various types of grains, olives, and some dairy), wine, and occassionally cut gems.

Unfortunately, the plague cut off a good portion of the village's exports, primarily because they are no longer produced. The village smiths were primarily strong, strapping men in the prime of their life--which meant they were some of the first to sicken and die. Those that didn't fled the village before the plague could target them and currently all that are left are for the most part rank apprentices. They can mend a pot, but you wouldn't want to put a weapon they made to the test in anything approaching mortal combat.

The textile industry was similar-- Shadow's Edge actually has a fair number of sheep and some long-haired goats because a major portion of it is hill country and ended up developing their own manufacturing to process the resulting raw materials. They still have the livestock for the most part, but the individuals in charge of producing the actual textiles fled during the plague. The same occurred in the wine industry, so while Shadow's Edge has the vinyards, the finer wines produced were taken with their owners who haven't returned. The village stores actually hold a year or two worth of the lesser wines produced (taken from what was left behind), but unless individuals to run the vinyards are found there won't be any more.

The gems that the village produced are actually a different story. While the village doesn't have a ready source of gems within its border, it actually used to import raw gems for a single individual. An elderly gem cutter named Thea Emerau moved to the village several years ago to be near her family again. Unfortunately, though she never caught the plague, the horror of the plague seems to have caused her to enter a catatonic state. She is tended by one of her remaining grand-nieces and hasn't produced a cut gem for months.

Food is one export that Shadow's Edge still produces in quantity, almost a bit too much quantity actually. You heard rumors before you left that the merchants of Shadow's Edge had been encountering difficulty within Sembia's borders acquiring contracts to sell the overabundance of food due to irrational fears regarding the plague and its spread.

That pretty much sums up the current state of exports in Shadow's Edge. Imports for the time being are primarily some of the necessities that aren't currently produced or where stores were depleted (medical supplies, for instance). A majority of the skilled craftsmen in the village died or fled during the plague as well as some of the more important professions, such as healers and herbalists. All told, Shadow's Edge is in a precarious state--but you were aware of that. :)